Monday, 28 August 2017

Cold, Cough, Flu: Ginger Recipes to Solve Common Sickness

Sooner or later, it will be a time for common sickness again. Although cold, cough, and flu are common regardless of age and gender, you should prepare well enough on how you can cope with such illnesses.

Pharmaceutical options can be of help, but you might try first the natural remedies because of its affordability and efficiency.

Ginger is one of the natural remedies used to treat common illnesses. Whether your nose is congested or you have an upset stomach, ginger can help alleviate these symptoms. If you do not want to chew on ginger root, then here are your options.

Lemon, Ginger, and Honey in a Jar

You can enjoy your treatment of the perfect lemon, ginger, and honey combination. This recipe is taken from Simple Green Smoothies.

Prepare the following:

  •     2 lemons
  •     2 piece of fresh ginger (size of your pointer and middle finger).
  •     Raw honey.
  •     12 oz mason jar.
How you do it.
  1. Thoroughly clean the lemons and ginger.
  2. Slice the lemons and ginger.
  3. Alternately place lemon and ginger slices in the mason jar.
  4. Pour honey until it sink down to the bottom of the jar. Afterwards, seal it tightly.
  5. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. The mixture is good for consumption for one month.
When to take.

Upon the first signs and symptoms of common illnesses, simply scoop 2 to 3 tablespoons of the mixture. Fill the mug with hot water and let it seep for 3 to 4 minutes. Afterwards, you are ready to sip on this natural remedy.
Ginger Tea.

The Ginger Tea is one simple remedy that you can make in just a few minutes. Here is the recipe taken from Top 10 Home Remedies.

Prepare the following:.

  • Fresh ginger.
  • 1 cup of water.
  • Lemon juice (optional).
  • Honey (optional).
How you do it.
  •  Clean the ginger thoroughly.
  •  Cut it into small slices. Crush the ginger slightly.
  •  Let the crushed ginger boil in a cup of water.
  •  Once it is done, you can add lemon or honey if you like.
When to take.

To be relieved from congestion and coughing, you can take the Ginger Tea three to four times a day.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Best foods to boost your child's immunity during monsoon!

Monsoon brings coolness after intense summer heat, during this season one should take extra care of this children from some infections like cold and flu.
Here are some foods to boost your child's immunity during monsoon, every parents should include in their child's daily diet to boost immunity.

Especially chicken or egg soup are the best food to give to your children during monsoon as it boost immunity, reduce inflammation and fight infection.

Include anti-oxidants and vitamins foods in your child's diet like jamun, plums, peaches and cherries, to boost immunity and helps fight infection. 

Include nuts in your diet as its rich source of proteins, anti-oxidants and good fatty acids which fights to infection and promote growth in children.

TURMERIC MILK:Give your children a glass of turmeric milk before bed as it will help them to fight the common cold and flu, active component of turmeric is a powerful anti-oxidant and promotes immunity.

TULSI TEA/KADHA:Give 5 to 6 tsp of tulsi tea / khada to your children every day morning as it helps to keep them disease free during monsoon. Tulsi / khada leaves have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties and help improve immunity.

Ginger juice has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties whereas honey coats the throat giving a soothing feel. Ginger-honey juice works best when given at bed time.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Best home remedies to prevent itchy mosquito bites!

Monsoon may be romantic, brings relief from the hot scorching summer heat. But the season also invites many pesky insects which are harmful for you. These insect bites can cause an immediate skin reaction such as redness, swelling and irritation.

One such unavoidable evil is mosquito bites, which can leave a nasty bump with nits persistent itch for days. While prevention is the best, there are numerous ways you can do to beat the irritable itching using things that are already available at your house.

  • Place a cold, refrigerated, used tea bag (green tea) on the sting and let it sit on for a few minutes. The cold helps soothe the itch and the compounds in the tea help with inflammation.
  • Another option is to make an oatmeal paste (oatmeal and water) and apply directly to the affected skin and allow it to dry slowly.
  • Honey is another excellent remedy as it has an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients in it. Just put a small drop of honey on the bite and you'll find relief from itching.
  • Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. It will not only help ease the itching and swelling from the bite, but will also aid in healing the wound. Cut an aloe vera plant and apply the plant's gel to the bites.
  • An ice cube or cold pack can be an effective remedy for mosquito bites. Use a cold pack or a bag filled with crushed ice to relieve itching caused by a mosquito bite. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Keep your heart healthy with these exercises

Exercise is very important to maintain overall fitness and well-being. It reduce and prevent risk of many illness or fevers. Regular exercise helps to improve heart health but it is also noted that all workouts may be not heart healthy.

Here are some exercises which experts believe can help improve your cardiovascular fitness: 

Aerobic exercise (cardio):
  • Regular aerobic exercise can lower risk of your heart disease. Like running, swimming and jogging etc.
  • Stretching ( Hamstring stretch, keen pull, groin stretch etc )is a best exercise for heart health and also helps us to improve flexibility, but make sure that your movements are controlled and slow while performing these to avoid getting hurt.
  • Yoga has significant health benefits, including heart, it helps to increase lung capacity, increase brain power, improve respiratory function and heart rate.

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Friday, 15 July 2016

8 health benefits of yoga you should know about

Yoga has been found to provide a wealth of benefits for both your mind and the body. Yoga, which has been around for more than 5000 years, is seeing an upsurge in popularity in the western world among medical professionals and celebrities alike due to its effectiveness. 

Here are some amazing health benefits of daily yoga that you should know about:
  • Studies have shown that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Yoga breathing exercises can help relieve the symptoms of asthma - a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.
  • Yoga can help manage various chronic conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • Practicing yoga regularly can help you build up a stronger immune system.
  • Yoga improves overall health as it removes toxins from your body.
  • Yoga also relieves back pain by stimulating the mind and by strengthening and fine tuning the body.
  • Yoga is a great activity if you want to lose weight.
  • Regular yoga practice can cure several ailments, including insomnia or abnormal sleeping habits.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Reasons to perform Vrksasana or Tree Posture

Yoga - Vrksasana (Tree Pose asana ) which resemble the shape of tree, and hence the name. This name comes from Sanskrit words - vikasa or virksha meaning 'tree' and asana meaning 'posture'.

'Vrksasana' posture has various benefits both for your body and mind.

  • It improves neuromuscular coordination and balance.
  • It improves endurance and alertness.
  • It tones the muscles of the legs, back and chest.
  • It calms and relaxes your mind and central nervous system.

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How to prevent stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcer can turn out to be very painful which can further lead to severe abdominal pain, blood in the stool and nausea.

Stomach Ulcer can happen due to several factors like by an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, excessive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drinking too much alcohol, radiation therapy, burns and physical injury.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that you can easily use at home. Home remedies usually focus on strengthening and protecting the stomach lining against acids. Before using the home remedies though, consult a doctor to ensure long-term relief.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for stomach ulcers. 

1. Cabbage
  • Cut one half of a raw head of cabbage and two carrots into small pieces and put them in a blender to extract the juice.
  • Drink one-half cup of this juice before each meal and at bedtime.
  • Repeat daily for a few weeks. Be sure to use fresh juice each time.

2. Bananas

  • To treat an ulcer, eat at least three ripe bananas a day. If you do not like eating bananas, you can make banana milkshakes.
  • Alternatively, peel two or three bananas and cut them into thin slices. Put the slices in the sun until they become dry. Grind the dried banana pieces into a fine powder. Mix together two tablespoons of this powder and one tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture three times a day for about a week.

3. Cayenne Pepper

  • Mix one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water. Drink it twice a day for the first two to three days. Gradually increase the amount of cayenne pepper up to one-quarter-teaspoon twice daily for the rest of the week.
  • Alternatively, take cayenne capsules that you can buy at health food stores. Take three capsules a day immediately after meals for one week.
  • You can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper to soups, meats and other savory dishes.

4. Coconut

  • Drink a few cups of fresh coconut milk or tender coconut water daily. Also, eat the kernel of the tender coconut. Follow this treatment for at least one week to get positive results.
  • Alternatively, take one tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning and another at night for one week. As coconut oil is mainly composed of medium-chain fatty acids, it can be easily digested.

5. Fenugreek

  • Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water. Strain and drink it after adding a little honey to it.
  • Another option is to consume one teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder along with milk.
  • Alternatively, you can boil one cup of fenugreek leaves, add a little honey, and eat it twice a day.
Follow any of these remedies twice daily for about a week.

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