Showing posts with label health issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health issue. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

8 Ways to Stress Less

We all feel stress at one time or another. In fact ( 34% ) of people stay that there top source of stress is their job. Other source of stress include money ( 30% ) and health issue ( 17% ). While some people freak out at smallest thing, others stay cool regardless of the severity of the event. Here are some ways to keep your head when stress puts you in a panic.

Regular moderate exercise has been shown to reduce stress and make us more resistant to it.

Try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. If this isn't possible, take a 10 minute nap during the day any longer can disturb your sleep cycle.

Have Fun:
People who participate in sports or other leisure activities have lower blood pressure.

In time of stress, we tend to take quick, shallow breaths, try to focus on your breath and take longer, deeper breaths.

Choose your reaction:
In every situation, we have a choice, we can let the stress consume us or we can see it as a new challenge and focus and sanity to choose the latter.

Worry… But only for 10 Minutes: 
Set time and give yourself a limited time to worry. Think of all possible outcomes of situation. Once the timer goes off, let it go and visualize the positive.

Relax Wisely:
Instead of spacing out in front of the television, go for a walk, do yoga or dance in your living room.

Put things into perspective: 
 Sometimes the things we stress over the most won't matter in five years. Think about the big picture to help you turn mountain back in to molehills. 

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