Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

Monday, 28 August 2017

Cold, Cough, Flu: Ginger Recipes to Solve Common Sickness

Sooner or later, it will be a time for common sickness again. Although cold, cough, and flu are common regardless of age and gender, you should prepare well enough on how you can cope with such illnesses.

Pharmaceutical options can be of help, but you might try first the natural remedies because of its affordability and efficiency.

Ginger is one of the natural remedies used to treat common illnesses. Whether your nose is congested or you have an upset stomach, ginger can help alleviate these symptoms. If you do not want to chew on ginger root, then here are your options.

Lemon, Ginger, and Honey in a Jar

You can enjoy your treatment of the perfect lemon, ginger, and honey combination. This recipe is taken from Simple Green Smoothies.

Prepare the following:

  •     2 lemons
  •     2 piece of fresh ginger (size of your pointer and middle finger).
  •     Raw honey.
  •     12 oz mason jar.
How you do it.
  1. Thoroughly clean the lemons and ginger.
  2. Slice the lemons and ginger.
  3. Alternately place lemon and ginger slices in the mason jar.
  4. Pour honey until it sink down to the bottom of the jar. Afterwards, seal it tightly.
  5. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. The mixture is good for consumption for one month.
When to take.

Upon the first signs and symptoms of common illnesses, simply scoop 2 to 3 tablespoons of the mixture. Fill the mug with hot water and let it seep for 3 to 4 minutes. Afterwards, you are ready to sip on this natural remedy.
Ginger Tea.

The Ginger Tea is one simple remedy that you can make in just a few minutes. Here is the recipe taken from Top 10 Home Remedies.

Prepare the following:.

  • Fresh ginger.
  • 1 cup of water.
  • Lemon juice (optional).
  • Honey (optional).
How you do it.
  •  Clean the ginger thoroughly.
  •  Cut it into small slices. Crush the ginger slightly.
  •  Let the crushed ginger boil in a cup of water.
  •  Once it is done, you can add lemon or honey if you like.
When to take.

To be relieved from congestion and coughing, you can take the Ginger Tea three to four times a day.