Showing posts with label healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthcare. Show all posts

Friday, 15 July 2016

8 health benefits of yoga you should know about

Yoga has been found to provide a wealth of benefits for both your mind and the body. Yoga, which has been around for more than 5000 years, is seeing an upsurge in popularity in the western world among medical professionals and celebrities alike due to its effectiveness. 

Here are some amazing health benefits of daily yoga that you should know about:
  • Studies have shown that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Yoga breathing exercises can help relieve the symptoms of asthma - a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.
  • Yoga can help manage various chronic conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • Practicing yoga regularly can help you build up a stronger immune system.
  • Yoga improves overall health as it removes toxins from your body.
  • Yoga also relieves back pain by stimulating the mind and by strengthening and fine tuning the body.
  • Yoga is a great activity if you want to lose weight.
  • Regular yoga practice can cure several ailments, including insomnia or abnormal sleeping habits.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How to prevent stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcer can turn out to be very painful which can further lead to severe abdominal pain, blood in the stool and nausea.

Stomach Ulcer can happen due to several factors like by an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, excessive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drinking too much alcohol, radiation therapy, burns and physical injury.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that you can easily use at home. Home remedies usually focus on strengthening and protecting the stomach lining against acids. Before using the home remedies though, consult a doctor to ensure long-term relief.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for stomach ulcers. 

1. Cabbage
  • Cut one half of a raw head of cabbage and two carrots into small pieces and put them in a blender to extract the juice.
  • Drink one-half cup of this juice before each meal and at bedtime.
  • Repeat daily for a few weeks. Be sure to use fresh juice each time.

2. Bananas

  • To treat an ulcer, eat at least three ripe bananas a day. If you do not like eating bananas, you can make banana milkshakes.
  • Alternatively, peel two or three bananas and cut them into thin slices. Put the slices in the sun until they become dry. Grind the dried banana pieces into a fine powder. Mix together two tablespoons of this powder and one tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture three times a day for about a week.

3. Cayenne Pepper

  • Mix one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water. Drink it twice a day for the first two to three days. Gradually increase the amount of cayenne pepper up to one-quarter-teaspoon twice daily for the rest of the week.
  • Alternatively, take cayenne capsules that you can buy at health food stores. Take three capsules a day immediately after meals for one week.
  • You can also add a pinch of cayenne pepper to soups, meats and other savory dishes.

4. Coconut

  • Drink a few cups of fresh coconut milk or tender coconut water daily. Also, eat the kernel of the tender coconut. Follow this treatment for at least one week to get positive results.
  • Alternatively, take one tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning and another at night for one week. As coconut oil is mainly composed of medium-chain fatty acids, it can be easily digested.

5. Fenugreek

  • Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water. Strain and drink it after adding a little honey to it.
  • Another option is to consume one teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder along with milk.
  • Alternatively, you can boil one cup of fenugreek leaves, add a little honey, and eat it twice a day.
Follow any of these remedies twice daily for about a week.

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Thursday, 2 June 2016

Top 15 Facts on Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of a mass of cells, which most often develops on the skin exposed to the sun. Skin cancer types include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma also known as basal cell cancer is the most common type of cancer, which occurs in both older and younger people. Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are highly curable.

Melanoma is much less common than basal and squamous cell carcinoma and the most dangerous type of skin cancer as it can spread to other parts of the body at a very early stage and can be fatal. Melanoma begins in the melanocytes – the cells that make the brown skin pigment known as melanin, which gives the skin its color. The less common types of skin cancer include Kaposi sarcoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and sebaceous gland carcinoma.

What Are The Causes Of Skin Cancer?

The leading reason for high incidence of skin cancer is exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes sunburn, premature aging of the skin and damage to the skin cells, which leads to skin cancer. DNA damage increases the chances of developing skin cancer. The DNA damage causes the cells to grow out of control and form a mass of cancer cells.

Skin cancer can also occur in areas that are not exposed to the sun. Lights used in tanning beds emit UV rays that can increase the risk of skin cancer. The chances of developing melanoma triple even while using tanning beds occasionally.

A person’s risk of developing skin cancer depends on factors such as age, genetics, weakened immune system, fair complexion, moles and exposure to some potentially avoidable lifestyle factors (sun exposure and tanning beds). Examining the skin for some dubious changes such as new skin growth, changes in existing moles and birthmarks can help detect skin cancer at the earliest.
Facts On Skin Cancer

1. Globally, two to three million non-melanoma skin cancers and 1,32,000 melanoma skin cancers occur each year. According to statistics, one in every three cancers diagnosed is a skin cancer.

2. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It occurs in more than a million Americans each year. One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, according to Skin Cancer Foundation Statistics. read more...

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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Want flat abs? Here’s what to eat and what to avoid

Along with the right exercise the quest for flat abs often hinges on what you’re eating most of us want flat abs but often the kinds of foods we are eating get in the way of achieving that goal (yes, even with the help of copious amounts of stomach crunches!). If you want to be rocking a flat tummy this summer, then it's time to make some diet tweaks starting now.

 Don’t combine fruit and protein

Don’t get us wrong, fruit and protein are both essential for good health but combining the both of them can lead to tummy troubles. “Protein takes time to break down in the digestive system, is a long burner, and provides satiation. However a piece of fruit is a fast burning carbohydrate. Sometimes the combination of the two foods together create havoc in the gut - not for all but for many,” says nutritionist and founder of A Healthy View Michele Chevalley Hedge.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

A constipated bowel leads to a bloated tummy. “To maintain optimum digestion drink plenty of water, exercise daily, and eat fibrous fruit, vegetables and whole real, nutrient-dense food,” says Chevalley Hedge. It sounds simple, and yes you’ve heard it before but fruits and vegetables are key to not only feeling great but looking great. 

Watch your intake of wheat products

How you start your day can often impact on the state of your abs. “If you start the day with flat abs and don’t want boat by 10 am then skip bread,” says Chevalley Hedge. “I try not to ‘discrimate’ against any food groups however it is often the wheat in heavily processed foods that makes us go from flat tummy to puffy tummy in minutes. It is often foods that we have sensitivities to that create a bloated stomach - it doesn’t mean we are allergic to them, it just simply means our body isn’t loving that food group at the moment."

Skip the fast food

There’s no getting around it – if you want a flat tummy you’re going to have to stay away from fast food.
“Many fast foods are loaded with sugar, Tran’s fats, and are very low in fibre. This means that you are not getting the vitamins B s that convert tryptophan to serotonin which slows digestion (a major cause of tummy bloat) and creates blood sugar deregulations which leads to weight gain.”

Keep alcohol to a minimum

Not only are alcoholic beverages high in calories, drinking one drink can often lead to drinking many and before you know it you’ve just drunk a lot of empty calories for not much benefit. Aim to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum.

Minimise your sugar intake

The bad gut bacteria, candida loves sugar. It is hard to get flat abs if your gut is full of bad bacteria causing poor digestion, flatulence and bloating. Watch your sweet tooth and avoid high sugar foods such as soft drinks and lollies.

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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

How Mobile Apps are Transforming Healthcare in India

Our race towards technological advancements is never ending race. We have achieved some of the marvelous advancements, which have changed our day-to-day lives. Automobile, Education, Information Technology etc. in almost everything we have done some marvelous advancements. The primary motive towards these advancements is simple, “To ease up our lives.” 

We have done advancements in our telecommunication also. Smart Phones, with the help of which we can stay connected to the world via internet. Thank to these smart phones, the market of mobile application came into existence. Mobile Applications are small iconic, web based software application developed specifically for the use of small and/or wireless computing devices, with/without the help of internet. Mobile applications are basically used to connect to the internet services, which is commonly accessed over desktop or laptop.

Initially, Mobile applications were created at a very basic level. Like Snakes games, which were pre-installed in old Black & White Nokia Mobile Phones.  Now these applications are more than just entertainment. They are part of life. Getting information, using services, ordering, financial management, etc. in every way applications are being used.

As the time passes, we have become more and more sensitive towards our health. Thanks to the open & secured internet services, we can have knowledge of how to take care of our health at our end. But, someday sometime we need to visit doctor. And that’s the part people do not trust internet, because as mentioned earlier internet is open. So, the chances of data manipulation are the highest. The information shown or provided is not 100% true.

But, now due to increase in awareness & security, and also advancement in technology, there are certain mobile applications that are providing authenticate information. You can get authenticate information as per your location and need. I have come across one of the application named “MEDBOX™ – A Free Healthcare Application”. This is one of those few application who provides authenticate information.

MEDBOX™ is the healthcare mobile application that collaborate all Doctors, Patients, Pharmacy and Diagnostic Centers to one place to keep their data on their fingertips. You can search doctors as per your need and location. You can also book appointment with the doctor and there are no extra charges for the same. You can keep a record of your health and insurance, which will be shared to your doctor as per your consent. There is also an option to search for hospital or blood bank when you are in emergency. You can also call 108-Emergency Ambulance. There are so many features in the application that you can use them for your health. Also, knowledgeable tips are being posted everyday which can help you to maintain your health.

Do Try! Just type “MEDBOXA Free Healthcare App” in your play store (IOS or Android), download it and use it for free.

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Monday, 21 March 2016

Are You Suffering from hypertension? Cardamom can help you
"Are you worried about your escalating blood pressure? Add some cardamom to your tea!"
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated and this can easily be controlled with a few changes to your lifestyle and dietary habits. Apart from prescribing medicines for the condition, doctors suggest living a more active life, exercising more and eating right. After all, hypertension is a gateway to other heart diseases and makes you prone to atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

Dietary changes usually involve reducing your salt intake by cutting down junk food and sticking to home-cooked, low-salt meals.

These changes not only help in lowering or controlling your blood pressure levels but they make you healthier by helping you lose a little bit of body weight.

With cutting down salt intake, you can also include certain natural remedies that assist in reducing your blood pressure levels and one such natural remedy is cardamom.

It is a widely used condiment worldwide and specially in the Indian kitchen and is known for its sweet taste and aroma. It is used to flavor sweets, to enhance the richness of certain curries and in different types of rice preparations, etc. But its benefits are not just limited to its flavor. Apart from being an excellent digestive aid, it also helps in controlling blood pressure levels. It is rich in certain antioxidants that help in lowering the blood pressure. If you are suffering from stage 1 hypertension than Cardamom is very effective. A study published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics says that cardamom can help in reducing systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure levels.

How to use cardamom?

Hypertension also involves avoiding sugar-rich and high cholesterol foods so it is suggested to cut sweets but add cardamom to other recipes like tea, soup etc.

So the simplest way to consume cardamom in your diet regularly is to add a pinch a cardamom powder to your cup of tea. Alternatively, you can also chew a pod of cardamom after your meals, not only does it help you control hypertension, it is an 

excellent digestive and a mouth freshener too.

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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Most of Energy Drinks are Harmful for Children
Most of the energy drinks contain too much caffeine and that might be harmful to children. This finding is based on the research of University of Miami.

Several energy drinks contain an excessive amount of alkaloid which is very harmful to youngsters and this is shown in the study of journal pediatric medicine at University of Miami. Many of the energy drinks reviewed contain three times the caffeine of a cola and some of which have five times more, said the study.

The study showed that caffeine in the drinks can exacerbate cardiac conditions, especially in children with eating disorders, and interfere with calcium absorption and bone mineralization in young adolescents.

Energy drinks produce extra calories which can contribute to diabetes, high body mass index and dental problems, according to the study. Many of the energy drinks reviewed contain 3 times the alkaloid of a cola and a few of that have 5 times additional, same the study.

Also, energy drinks contain additional ingredients which may boost caffeine levels, said the study. The study also found that many children and young adults in the United States have tried energy drinks, and some consume them heavily. A survey of college students reported that 51 percent regularly consumed one or more of the drinks per month, and a majority of those students drank them several times a week.

Insufficient sleep and a desire for more energy were cited as reasons for such consumption, said the study.

The drinks are unregulated in the United States, and the number of overdoses of caffeine from drinking those remains unknown, the study said. But in Germany, Ireland and New Zealand, officials have reported cases of liver damage, kidney failure, seizures, confusion and arrhythmias associated with energy drink use, according to the study.

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Monday, 18 January 2016

Manage Anxiety and Stress to achieve peace of mind

Manage Anxiety and Stress to achieve peace of mind

The kids won't stop screaming, your boss has been hounding you because you turned a report in late, and you owe the IRS thousands of dollars you don't have. You're seriously stressed out.

Stress is actually a normal part of life. At times, it serves a useful purpose. Stress can motivate you to get that promotion at work, or run the last mile of a marathon. But if you don't get a handle on your stress and it becomes long-term, it can seriously interfere with your job, family life, and health. According to a study it is found that more than fifty percent of population suffering from stress fight with friends and loved ones and this is all because of stress, and more than 70% say they experience real physical and emotional symptoms from it.

Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. People can report    feeling "stressed" when multiple competing demands are placed on them. The feeling of being "stressed" can be triggered by an event that makes you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease.

When you're feeling anxious or stressed, these strategies will help you cope:

  • Take a time-out Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head.
  • Eat healthy and balanced meals don't skip any meals. And always keep energy boosting snacks with you.
  • Consume alcohol and caffeine in a limit which can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks.
  • Get enough sleep When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest.
  • Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health
  • Take deep breaths Inhale and exhale slowly
  • Count to 10 slowly Repeat, and count to 20 if necessary.
  • Do your best Instead of aiming for perfection, which isn't possible, be proud of however close you get.
  • Accept that you cannot control everything put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think?
  • Welcome humor a good laugh goes a long way.
  • Maintain a positive attitude Make and effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
  • Get involved Volunteer or find another way to be active in your community, which creates a support network and gives you a break from everyday stress.
  • Learn what triggers your anxiety Is it work, family, school, or something else you can identify? Write in a journal when you're feeling stressed or anxious, and look for a pattern.
  • Talk to someone Tell friends and family you're feeling overwhelmed, and let them know how they can help you. Talk to a physician or therapist for professional help.
Fitness Tips: Stay Healthy, Manage Stress
For the biggest benefits of exercise, try to include at least 2½ hours of moderate-intensity physical activity (e.g. brisk walking) each week, 1¼ hours of a vigorous-intensity activity (such as jogging or swimming laps), or a combination of the two.

  • 5 X 30: Jog, walk, bike, or dance three to five times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Set small daily goals and aim for daily consistency rather than perfect workouts. It's better to walk every day for 15-20 minutes than to wait until the weekend for a three-hour fitness marathon.
  • Find forms of exercise that are fun or enjoyable. Extroverted people often like classes and group activities. People who are more introverted often prefer solo pursuits.
  • Distract yourself with an iPod or other portable media player to download audiobooks, podcasts, or music. Many people find it's more fun to exercise while listening to something they enjoy.
  • Recruit an "exercise buddy." It's often easier to stick to your exercise routine when you have to stay committed to a friend, partner, or colleague.
  • Be patient when you start a new exercise program. Most sedentary people require about four to eight weeks to feel coordinated and sufficiently in shape so that exercise feels easier.

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